Degrowth is neither degrowth of everything for everyone, nor a return to a pseudo-lost happiness, but a turn, a pathway to exit the destructive conveyor belt of a growth society. With its most effective tools: capitalism, liberalism, ultra-liberalism and other neo-isms…..growth society is accumulating environmental, social, economic, cultural, and political crises.
Faced with this situation, it is urgent to tell the citizens that it is not a question of choosing between “growth and degrowth”, but between a voluntary degrowth, and an enforced recession. The social and environmental problems of our system won’ t be solved by changing a few parameters, or through individual initiatives.
Therefore it is primordial to present the citizens with a political project able to transform this model, which is endangering our future. This is why the Degrowth Party has decided to get involved to defend a programme of measures able to trigger a degrowth; which is at once serene, sustainable, convivial, and simply humane.
Nous sommes Parti-e-s Pour La Décroissance
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Un projet de Décroissance